Occupational Medicine

Occupational Rehabilitation and Safety Program

Work conditioning program

  • Individualized comprehensive program designed to restore overall strength, endurance, and flexibility to prepare the worker to return to work.
  • Outpatient Physical and Occupational Therapy:
    • Two conveniently located offices in Cuyahoga Falls:
      • Western Reserve Hospital Easy Street Therapy
        1900 23rd Street, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223
      • Rehab at the Natatorium
        2345 4th Street, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221

Onsite injury prevention

A therapist onsite at your facility can recognize, manage and educate on early stages of musculoskeletal discomfort preventing recordable injuries following OSHA first aid guidelines and reducing lost time injuries

Ergonomic analysis (industrial and office settings)

A therapist will analyze work stations for ergonomic improvements in order to identify risk factors, reduce injury, claims and cost.

Post offer employment testing (POET)

POET will determines if a new employee is physically capable of safely completing the essential functions of a specific job

Fit for duty employment testing

Determines if a current employee is physically capable of safely completing the essential functions of a specific job following an injury or illness


Call us! (330) 688-7900

For complete contact information, click here

3913 Darrow Rd Suite 100, Stow, OH 44224